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Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Act Statement for FY2021



ST. ROSE LLC believes that human trafficking, slavery, and related exploitative practices such as servitude, forced labor, and child labor (together ‘Modern Slavery’) are egregious human rights abuses. ST. ROSE has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery. We are committed to respecting human rights and we have pledged resources and capabilities to combat the global crime of Modern Slavery taking place within the business or our supply chain.

This statement is made pursuant to the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010, section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015 and the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 and sets out the steps that ST. ROSE has taken and is continuing to take to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain.

Who We Are

Born in Australia and based in New York, ST. ROSE was founded by Belinda Smith in 2018. Named for the Patron Saint of Gardeners, we work to make the lives of people more beautiful by creating transportive sensorial rituals at the intersection of beauty and wellness. Rooted in the art of nature creative process is entwined in environmentally responsible practices with a transparent lens, offering our community full disclosure of our ingredients and their origins.

We work with a community of artisans and craftspeople who contribute to our brand and products. We are committed to co-creating a sustainable future with our communities and producing products of the highest quality, efficacy and integrity. We are committed to high ethical standards in business conduct and to compliance with the laws, regulations and internal policies. This includes all our relations with customers, suppliers, shareholders, employees, competitors, government agencies and the communities in which we operate.

Our supply chain is comprised of two USA based fragrance houses that are both members of The International Fragrance Association (IFRA) whose Code of Practice and IFRA Standards mandate policies to protect our shared environment. We strive to do business with raw material suppliers and service providers that adhere to the same high ethical standards as we do. Our Responsible Sourcing Policy within our Code of Conduct as well as our Clean & Transparent Creation Framework outline the ethical principles that we require all our suppliers and service providers meet.

Our Policies

As a 1% for the Planet business, ST. ROSE is committed to not only supporting environmental initiatives but also respecting human rights throughout the world and we seek to demonstrate leadership in responsible workplace practices across our enterprise and in all regions where we conduct business. As a global business, we aim to align our company policies and practices with international standards, including the principles laid out in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labor Organization’s Fundamental Conventions. Additionally, we support a number of international charters, principles and initiatives that inform our approach, including the United Nations Equator Principles and the United Nations Global Compact. Our commitment to fair, ethical and responsible business practices, as we engage with our employees, clients, third parties and communities around the world, is embodied in our values and Code of Conduct.

Within the ST. ROSE organization, the Code of Conduct is a governing charter for ethical behavior


  • Responsible Sourcing Policy. This policy outlines health and safety, social, environment and business integrity principles we require all our suppliers and service providers to acknowledge.
  • Legal and Ethical Dealings Policy. ST. ROSE believe in compliance with all laws and policies that apply to our business in the countries in which we operate. We are committed to and adhere to the highest ethical standards in all business dealings.
  • Responsible Corporate Citizenship Policy. We are committed to respect for human rights wherever we do business and in all communities in which we are present. We believe in fair employment standards and do not tolerate or practice any form of child exploitation or forced labor or engage with suppliers who do not adhere to a strict anti-slavery policy.
  • Disclosure and Transparency Policy. We encourage all our employees, contractors and workers to come forward with any concerns regarding how colleagues are being treated, practices within our business or supply chain or any violations against any policy operated by us without fear of retaliation or reprisal.

Our Suppliers

As ST. ROSE uses over 1,000 different ingredients from more than 100 countries in our fragrance products, we assess and audit our main raw material suppliers in partnership with our manufacturers on their sustainability performance. We strictly adhere to compliance with the California Transparency in Supply Chain Act. Our manufacturers (fragrance houses) participate in the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (“SEDEX”) whose goal is to drive improvements in ethical and responsible business practices. A core principle of SEDEX is to avoid unfair or unsafe labor practices including slavery and human trafficking. All supplier audits are announced and conducted by third parties relying on the SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit which is a compilation of best practices.

We are in the process of making all our suppliers aware of our Supplier Code of Conduct and our Clean & Transparent Creation Framework. They are also provided with a vendor expectation document which specifically states that ST. ROSE holds itself to high social and ethical standards and expects its vendors and suppliers to meet the same standards. We require a direct confirmation from our suppliers attesting to their compliance with our ethical and business standards and their local laws.


As our team grows with direct employees, ST. ROSE commits to regularly conducting training on ST. ROSE’s Code of Conduct for all employees which includes the above-mentioned principles and charters so that they understand the signs of modern slavery and what to do if they suspect that it is taking place within our business or supply chain.

Our Performance Indicators

We will know the effectiveness of the steps we are taking to ensure that slavery and/or human trafficking

is not taking place within our business or supply chain when:

  • No reports are received from employees, contractors or suppliers
  • Transparency on full traceability to the raw materials source is provided
  • No pushbacks or reporting received from supply chain when the Supplier Code of Conduct was released

Approval For This Statement

This statement was approved by the management team on 1 January 2021.


Belinda Smith

Founder and Director, ST. ROSE LLC

